Bush Flubs it Again
Details and Confirmation of Prior Knowledge

Paul Walker (pjw56108@yahoo.com) wrote in a message of 2002-01-07 to the APFN message board:

If we say the CIA was the terrorist who committed the WTC disaster — very likely — then it is also very likely that the CIA would want Bush to have the 'guilty knowledge' of seeing the first tower hit ... via a private TV link prepared by the CIA ...

Thanks to a watchful friend Terry, here is the confirmation that President George Bush watched the first plane hit the WTC when no televison cameras were trained on the buildings since nothing had happened yet. This is the second time he has stated this clearly and publicly. The only explanation is that he viewed it on closed circuit television from his limo outside the schoolhouse in Florida before going into the class. The conclusion should be obvious to anyone with a clue. We all knew he wasn't too bright, but to slip up twice on this and for the White House to post it again is almost too much. Maybe they want us to figure it out.

Here is the first time on December 4th, 2001

President Meets with Displaced Workers in Town Hall Meeting


And, indeed, this is the official White House website. And the transcript of Bush's talk, and of the following question-and-answer session, is the official White House transcript. And it includes the following (emphasis added):

Q      One thing, Mr. President, is that you have no idea how much you've done for this country. And another thing is that, how did you feel when you heard about the terrorist attack? (Applause.)

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Jordan. Well, Jordan, you're not going to believe what state I was in when I heard about the terrorist attack. I was in Florida. And my Chief of Staff, Andy Card -- actually, I was in a classroom talking about a reading program that works. I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower -- the TV was obviously on. And I used to fly, myself, and I said, well, there's one terrible pilot. I said, it must have been a horrible accident.

But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it. And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card, my Chief of Staff, who is sitting over here, walked in and said, "A second plane has hit the tower, America is under attack."

And, Jordan, I wasn't sure what to think at first. You know, I grew up in a period of time where the idea of America being under attack never entered my mind -- just like your Daddy's and Mother's mind probably. And I started thinking hard in that very brief period of time about what it meant to be under attack. I knew that when I got all of the facts that we were under attack, there would be hell to pay for attacking America. (Applause.)

So Bush admits that he watched on TV the first plane hit the (North) Tower while sitting outside the classroom (in his limousine?) then (some twenty or so minutes later) he is informed that a second plane has hit. But, as Paul Walker pointed out, prior to the first impact there was no network TV channel showing the Twin Towers live, so what was Bush watching? It can only have been a private transmission, arranged for Bush's benefit, by people who knew what was about to happen. Either Bush knew what was coming, or he was told to watch the TV transmission (and not go into the classroom until he'd seen what he was supposed to see). Either the President of the United States, or someone closely connected to him, knew that a disaster was about to strike the Twin Towers.

Now this is the second time on Jan. 5th 2002:

President Holds Town Hall Forum on Economy in California


Again an official White House transcript of a talk, with question-and-answer session, by Bush (who shows clearly — for those who can bear to read this in full — that he is without doubt the dumbest person ever to hold high office in the United States of America, and probably the most incompetent in the performance of his duties). This transcript includes the following (emphasis and photo added):

Q   What was the first thing that went through your head when you heard that a plane crashed into the first building?

THE PRESIDENT: Yes. Well, I was sitting in a schoolhouse in Florida. I had gone down to tell my little brother what to do, and -- just kidding, Jeb. (Laughter.) And -- it's the mother in me. (Laughter.) Anyway, I was in the midst of learning about a reading program that works. I'm a big believer in basic education, and it starts with making sure every child learns to read. And therefore, we need to focus on the science of reading, not what may feel good or sound good when it comes to teaching children to read. (Applause.) I'm just getting a plug in for my reading initiative.

Anyway, I was sitting there, and my Chief of Staff -- well, first of all, when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on. And you know, I thought it was pilot error and I was amazed that anybody could make such a terrible mistake. And something was wrong with the plane, or -- anyway, I'm sitting there, listening to the briefing, and Andy Card came and said, "America is under attack."

And in the meantime, this teacher was going on about the curriculum, and I was thinking about what it meant for America to be under attack. It was an amazing thought. But I made up my mind that if America was under attack, we'd get them. (Applause.) I wasn't interested in lawyers, I wasn't interested in a bunch of debate. I was interested in finding out who did it and bringing them to justice. I also knew that they would try to hide, and anybody who provided haven, help, food, would be held accountable by the United States of America. (Applause.)

Anyway, it was an interesting day.

Again Bush recollects that just prior to going in to the classroom he had seen the first plane hit the WTC and that a short time thereafter he is informed that the second plane has hit and that "America is under attack". But rather than perform his duties as President and Commander-in-Chief to protect the nation by immediately calling for further information and considering what needed to be done Bush just sat there for another twenty minutes reflecting in amazement on "what it meant to be under attack" — as if the idea of an attack on America had never occurred to him before — and fantasizing about chasing down the bad guys.

It might be objected that some tourist happened to be filming the North Tower just at the time the first plane crashed into it, and that what Bush saw on TV was a replay of this amateur video. Now there may have been such an amateur video (not to be confused with the amateur video of the second plane hitting the South Tower, which was widely shown). But was there sufficient time for this video to be delivered to some network TV station and broadcast for Bush to see it?

Bush does not say exactly how much time elapsed between his seeing the footage (live or replayed) of the first impact and his being informed by Andy Card about the second impact. He does say:

I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower ... But I was whisked off there, I didn't have much time to think about it. And I was sitting in the classroom, and Andy Card ... walked in and said ...

... when we walked into the classroom, I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on. ... -- anyway, I'm sitting there, listening to the briefing, and Andy Card came and said ...

Eighteen minutes elapsed between the two impacts. Assuming that Chief of Staff Andy Card was informed of the second impact (and informed Bush) within seven minutes of its occurrence then 25 minutes elapsed between the first impact and Bush's being informed of the second impact. It is reasonable to assume 10 to 15 minutes between Bush's seeing the first impact on TV and his being informed of the second impact by Card. This means that, if Bush saw a replay of an amateur video, then 10 to 15 minutes elapsed between the first impact and Bush's seeing it on TV. It is doubtful that anyone who had taken such an amateur video could have informed a network TV station that he had the event on tape and that the TV station could then have obtained the video, prepared it for broadcasting, and broadcast it, all within 10 to 15 minutes.

In fact, as we now know, there was no amateur video of the first impact. The only known footage was taken by a French cameraman who was shooting a documentary about a probationary New York fireman. (This is now known as the Fireman's Video and indicates that the plane which hit the North Tower was not AA Flight 11.)

So what Bush saw was not a replay of an amateur video but was a live transmission conveyed to his limousine by government agents involved in the attack on the World Trade Center.

Paul Walker comments:

"Interesting Day" huh? There is really nothing left to say except that Bush confirms that he had prior knowledge. While it is possible for an average person to forget or jumble the events of an average day, I would say it is impossible for a real president on the most important day of his life to simply confuse the events of that day of Sept 11th over and over. This tells me anyway that he is recalling it as he experienced it, in the sequence he gives. The only problem is that he is flubbing his lines, the story he is supposed to be putting over on the American People. Yes Mr Bush, there will be hell to pay for attacking America.

See also the articles by Jared Israel and Francisco Gil-White:

Bush is certainly a liar, but Jared Israel's claim that Bush lied about seeing the first impact on TV is probably mistaken (if it is not an attempt to get Bush off the hook by denying that he in fact saw what he says he saw). It is more likely, as Paul Walker says above, that Bush viewed the impact by satellite transmission to the TV in his limousine just before going into the schoolhouse.

In his public appearance in Florida Bush says "I was sitting outside the classroom waiting to go in, and I saw an airplane hit the tower ..." He then realizes his mistake (implicitly mentioning the private broadcast to the TV in his limousine) and tries to cover it with a lie, claiming that what he was viewing was a TV in the schoolhouse, saying "the TV was obviously on", not realizing that there was no network TV broadcast of the first impact. Then in California Bush feels he has to stick to his story so he says "I had seen this plane fly into the first building. There was a TV set on." — still so dumb as not to realize that there was never any network broadcast on September 11th of the impact of the first plane.

George W. Bush is a mere puppet, told by his controllers where to go and what to do and say, barely able to read his script, and unable to hold in mind more than one idea at a time (the idea most usually held being, of course, "terrorism", quickly reduced to the simpler and vaguer idea of "terror").

Bush did not attain the office of President of the United States by legitimate means. He is a usurper. He was not elected in accord with a complete count of votes cast, and many who would have voted for his opponent were prevented from voting. He was installed in office by a corrupt majority of the U.S. Supreme Court. In brief, his Presidency has no legitimacy.

Moreover his mental shallowness is breathtaking. His mind is an intellectual vacuum. He insults the American people by pretending that it is enough to be folksy, and to smile a lot except when he is acting the comic book role of the Texas gunslinger determined to track down the bad guys, while behind the façade of folksiness the top officers of his administration ravage the civil rights of the American people and cement the framework for a global police state.

On December 18, 2000, Bush said (apparently jokingly, but you can be sure he meant it): "If this was a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier; just so long as I was the dictator."  As a consequence of the events of September 11, 2001, the United States is well on the way toward a military dictatorship (if not quite there yet), but unfortunately for George his handlers won't ever let him be dictator (or even pretend to be), since he flubs his lines far too often and cannot utter a single sentence without making it obvious that he is the dumbest person ever to occupy the Oval Office.

But in some ways Bush is cunning. It can even be argued plausibly that Bush isn't a moron, he's a cunning sociopath.

To install a malevolent idiot who happens to be also a psychopath as the commander-in-chief of the world's most powerful military force is surely asking for trouble. But when Bush declared at a press conference in early August 2002, speaking of his intention to attack Iraq, "We owe it to the future of civilization ..." it became abundantly obvious that he is not only malevolent and an idiot, he is completely off his rocker. A total fruitcake. America finally has as President a certifiable lunatic.

Listening to Bush speak engenders a feeling of unreality. There is a disconnect between his words and that of which he is supposed to be speaking. While talking of weighty geopolitical issues he strikes postures and glibly utters such comic book phrases as: "Mark my words, we're gonna get 'im, dead or alive!" What he says does not address the issue because he is so out of touch with reality that he cannot understand what he is talking about. Instead he treats the American people as if they were children watching TV cartoons on a Saturday morning, pretending that he is the noble upholder of right valiantly fighting the forces of evil. He adopts an air of serious concern when talking of the corporate executives (known and yet to be discovered) who have swindled Americans out of their savings and pensions, as if a show of sternness would be enough to cause these misbehaving executives to behave properly in future, ignoring the fact that not only has cooking the books been common among America's large corporations for many years but also is standard practice in the accounting systems of the U.S. government itself. In short, he attempts to fool the American people, treating them with contempt, assuming that they are too stupid to see through his attempts to deceive them.

George W. Bush is a cynical, hypocritical bare-faced liar and a disgrace to America, as the rest of the world clearly sees. The accusations that he makes against Saddam Hussein are all true of himself. Bush is a traitor, for not only has he been been party to an "attack upon America" which killed about 3000 Americans but he has conspired to deprive the citizens of the United States of their rights as enshrined in the U.S. Constitution (which he swore to defend on taking the oath of office of the Presidency) and to establish a de facto military dictatorship over the country of his birth. Accordingly he should be impeached as a traitor and removed from office. Following removal he should be tried in a criminal court for treason and after conviction be executed by hanging or firing squad, which is no less than what he deserves for his betrayal of the American people.

George W. Bush is a great fan of executions. He presided over 152 of them during his six years as Governor of Texas.

"George W. Bush knew that he was not going to reprieve Karla Faye Tucker. He could have told her that the day before," Mauro explained. "He could have told her a week before. But he waited until the six o'clock prime time news, knowing she was strapped to a gurney still having hope about her life, and he grandstanded on her."  Bush went further when he joked about Karla Faye Tucker's desperate plea for life, which had been aired on Larry King Live. During an interview with Talk Magazine, Bush mocked Karla Faye, whimpering "Please, don't kill me" in an imitation of her voice [see "Devil May Care" by Tucker Carlson, Talk Magazine, September 1999, p. 106]. — Who Is George W. Bush?

GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer, himself an evangelical Christian: "I think it is nothing short of unbelievable that the governor of a major state running for president thought it was acceptable to mock a woman he decided to put to death." —  Wayne Madsen, Bush's "Christian" Blood Cult: Concerns Raised by the Vatican

81-Year-Old US WWII Veteran Warns Of Bush-Nazi Similarities

Last modified: 2003-05-08 CE

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